Infrastructure is the core of most organisation’s IT assets, and also one of the potentially largest attack surfaces presented. Infrastructure testing aims to identify any vulnerabilities that would allow an attacker to gain access to sensitive data

Applications are a common method of entry for attackers to gain access to internal corporate data. Ensure your application doesn’t expose any vulnerabilities leaving your data at risk

IT Health Checks review an organisation’s entire IT estate, and is an annual requirement for connecting to the Public Services Network (PSN). Forfend consultants are experienced carrying out ITHCs, as well as knowledgeable about their specific requirements.

With the rapid adoption of cloud services by many organisations, verifying the proper configuration of these services ensures that any data held within is not at risk of compromise

Wireless networks are used by many organisations to provide easy connectivity to corporate networks. These wireless networks however are often prone to attack, allowing an attacker an easy way in to your corporate network

Red team assessments mimic real world attack types, employing the same tools, techniques and procedures used by malicious actors to measure your organisation’s security posture, and identify any weaknesses in your detection and response

Employees are often the weakest link in the chain for any organisation’s security. Test how your employees react to our carefully tailored phishing campaigns to help train your employees how to spot and deal with phishing emails

Networking devices such as firewalls and switches are used to ensure access to sensitive environments is restricted to only allow intended access. The misconfiguration of these devices can allow attackers to access your sensitive data

Whilst all the care can be taken to ensure the security of any corporate assets exposed over the internet, what’s to stop someone just walking into your office? Review your physical security measures to make sure it’s not that easy